Can you spare an hour to help with the Halloween Discos?

synconationcomhalloweenmusic1If you can spare a couple of hours to help at either the FS/KS1 or KS discos next Friday (especially the KS2 one at 7pm) then the PTFA would be really pleased to hear from you.

The jobs are really easy – help to set up and decorate the hall/man the doors and gates/sell squash and sweets/help to tidy up.

Please give a little of your time, especially if your child is coming along, as it’s a brilliant way for the kids to have fun while we raise valuable money for the school!

Timings are:

  • 4pm onwards, set up for FS/KS1 disco
  • 5-6.30pm, FS/KS1 disco
  • 6.30-7pm, clear up and prepare for KS2 disco
  • 7-8.30pm, KS2 disco
  • 8.30pm onwards, clear up KS2 disco

Contact if you can spare an hour to help out.

Tickets going very fast for both discos, get your slips in fast if your children would like to come.